Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wheres my little angel!!!

Why cant I ever finish my work on time,specially if it has got to do something with coll work like my records and stuff,I don’t know which angel got into me yestreday I decided to open my books for a change,and i sat deciding which subject to start with,aaaaahhhhh…that was really a tough job for me..i suddenly looked around the mess in my room and my cupboard…..then I got up to clean my room,may be it was somehing to do with clean room gives me a good atmosphere to study,or something to do with not doing the record shelf had nothing but papers and don’t know when I had writen all that stuff,and there were all these useless pens and refills and in the corner was my 10th standard english textbook..and my sisters stuff,I just dumped them in her cupboard..and I did all arbit stuff till my mum screamed that theres Sunday to do all that…and the angel in me made me sit and open my bag,beore I could start seeing what stuff was filled up in my bag I just picked up the book which came into my hand..…gawd it was SS(signals and systems),i thought I would refer to what the prof was teaching in the class(who knows what crap it was,,I was dreaming any way),the topic was something called as the convolution integral,do you want to know what it was,its easy look…..
In linear systems the explicit relationship between the driving function and the response can be expressed by the convolution integral,the corelation functions which occur in signal dedection theory and in the study of random signals are also really a form of convolution..if any one of you got any bit of that pleease mail me..and the last thing that could happen to tamper my spirit,my cell phone vibrated…I picked and he asked what I was doing,I proudly said that I was studying, what I tell you was wrong with ‘nothing iam just studying’,he was asking me why there was this sudden change in me….and i went blah blah of what I did that day and he hung up….and my other friend called and I said I was trying to study….and I finally had to close the book as there was so much gossip to take in…. I didn’t even submit my records today…the angel in me did wake up today and I did start but I had this urge to write something in my blog so here iam…hope this angel stays and I complete my records atleast by next week……

Saturday, September 23, 2006

'Mera pehla blog' violins in the background please...(just being filmy)

Hey..this is my first ever blog,don’t know what to start up with,I think I will just give a little intro about myself and my blog here,Dil se..will always be my blog,(actually A.R.Rehmans Dil se was playing on the winamp and I sooo love the song),there’s not much about me,iam an eighteen year old girl,always messed up with her own things,don’t worry you will not have to read an other eighteen year old girl’s problems with her boyfriend because I really don’t have one,may sound weired though,eighteen and no boyfriend…but time kiske paas hai,where all my routine has got to do with is going to college and and taking in terms like……(eh!!!… Iam just thinking what terms did I learn at coll..) what ever crap it has got to do with capacitors and resistors and periodic signals into my grey matter..and coming back home and completing records and assignments,you must have guessed by now,iam doing my engineering in elctronics and comm..and for all those who are doing great things like arts and literature,try engineering,’marks se nomarks,ab sach mein possible’….But life is going on pretty well,I have got great friends and a great family and since I have got my new bike just a few days back,and not to mention my own cell phone, life is actually rocking..n e ways nothing much more about playing on the winamp is ‘saathiya..’,I saw this movie last night and I really liked it,though I have seen it many times before…I really like the scene on the beach where vivek tells rani when she is leaving….’Hey doctor,I love you’.. that’s it for now,I think next time I write my blog I will write on something readable,see ya…