Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Abhi sason mein hain dum,tu chalne de sitam

Hiya!!Lovely being back after a long time, got messed up with the things going on in life, done things for which I think I should be put up in Azkaban for a while(No ,I didn’t try to run out with a guy or join any terrorist group…Dirty mind!!!!) just something unbloggable………..College life is sucking as usual,Gawd!!! there is nothing to blog………
Why is this little paper clip on my ms word starring at me, its scratching its so called head and looking at my blog, looks like it is wondering ‘My life is better than this writer’…its got a lighting bulb on it now….may be it has got some idea……..Its trying to wink and smile at me now…..tryin to flirt huh!!wait lemme send him back to his window…Oh!! i see his name is clippit and he says he is though nothing more than a metal wire he will help me find all my answers…Mr.clippit living you life is easy, try mine…….
God, you are still reading this crap… can expect some good stuff next time……..I tried to do some serious poetry…and YES I WROTE THAT!!! Iam sorry for all those who read that and got a minor heart attack thinking ‘Did she write a poem, a whole poem’ I got personal comments the next day people asking what got into you……..
And last but not the least Abhi is getting married( stop wondering like clippit…its Abhishek bachan)…God..can you just send someone as handsome and tall like him for other girls like me!!!!!!!!!!
And how was the title...this thing keeps me really goin,try it...when you feel suppresed by others or cant help yourself out of any situation just say it and see how it works...........