Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Cant think of one too...

Yup...back again but i wouldn't say wid a bang...have been through all kinds of ups and downs in the past few dont stare and ask what happened iam tired of answering people "NOTHING WRONG WID ME"...i dont know if its this teens thing that happen to all but i think i have got a syndrome called"leave me alone"and a person severely suffering with this syndrome must not be pestered......i know the people iam tring to stay away are my friends but kabhi tho u feel like just being you....and not tring to smile because you have to...sometimes you feel like jus being on the bed all day long and no calls.... no people expecting things from happens and iam presently suffering with this syndrome....iam kinda trying to settle down my mind so that i can atleast attempt the exams that are turning up like unexpected rains...
The biggest knowing thing that happened last week was my lab exam ELECTRICAL so called brain cells were having nice nap on Kurlon pillows for days and suddenly this record was in my lap to byheart the circuits i tell you it was hell....couldnt remember atleast one after seeing the other...suddenly felt like trying to solve the sudoku so the brain cell gets worked up.......wanted to put up some other posts but kinda no time now...will definietly next time....and hope i get to write better blogs then this...and my brain cells get activated..............