Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I got tagged by one of my friend recently, and here are the rules:

RULE #1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2: Tag 6 people to do this quiz and they cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by, cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by, and must continue this game by sending it to other people.

Here we go:

Q. What do you love the most in your lover?
Ans: Dude this is unknown territory....i dont have any...but if it would be may be honesty..

Q. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Ans: (Pehle de mujhe) spend spend spend...roam around the world...

Q. What is love?
Ans:I have read abt 1000 definitions till date..but love would be liking a person with all his faults..No matter how much u argue..wanting to be with him at the end of the day..

Q. Would you fall in love with your best friend?
Ans: Nope!!!!! cant!!

Q. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Ans: Being loved for sure.....

Q. How long should you wait for someone you really love?
Ans: Till u meet some one else :P more richer and more hand some :P

Q. Is it possible to like someone without loving them?
Ans: Duh eh!! stupid question....Yes its possible.

Q. Is it possible to love someone without liking them?
Ans: huh??????? pata nahin...sochne ke liye hin itana complicated hain...

Q. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Ans:I would be in coffee day Concentrating just on my Choclate fantasy..

Q. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Ans:Should i say...look out for shooters :P , i would flush him off my life:P

Q. How would you see yourself in ten years’ time?
Ans:Hmmmm..... working...Big house.....Nice car :P....Two cars :P ...married...ab uske baad thats family planning :))

Q. What’s your fear?
Ans:Losing my close ones, Lizards, Spiders...ekkkk!!!, LAB EXAMS!!!( have one tomorrow :( ..,God

Q. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Ans.The bartender Bhai.....hahahah...A crazy bollywood psycho..

Q. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Ans: Depends on the person...if he is some dhakkan....better single and rich...

Q. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Ans: Search for my brush...

Q. Would you give all in a relationship?
Ans: Depends...whats ALL btw????

Q. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, whom would you pick?
Ans: The one loves me back.

Q. Would you forgive and forget, no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done?
Ans:Would forgive and forget..but things would have surely changed..

Q. If you get to go back in time and fall in love all over again, would it still be with the same person?
Ans: For sure!!

I tag all the people reading this...pick any 5 questions and reply :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

'Fingers crossed'

Right now aim at an internet seminar books which i have to submit still on the way...i dunno why i have this habit of leaving up things till the last moment....this is landing me in deep troubles...for instance i haven't submitted my report friends have done it a month back already....yesterday one of an other lazy guy like me was literally kicked out of my Hod's room...this had kinda brought me back to my senses that i have to print them yet...i may get them in hour now...( hopefully!!!) and aim mentally preparing excuses in my mind to convince my Hod....he was good to me last time...Hope he would be this time too...

Iam such an idiot..iam actually feeling it like a challenge to tackle this problem...lets see what future has in store for me after an hour :( and may be this day i ll always remember too...iam still waiting for the guy to turn up...good they have internet here....

Last few weeks have just passed on in me thinking whats happening actually...I have to get through my cat...and i have to make more serious efforts..i have this in mind till i compare the percentages of savings of rohan and mohan in the first two questions of DI and then iam done... dont have enough patience on how much they spent on watching movies and raising kids!!!! i switch to comprehension passages.......(The political and social views of the medevial society@#*%^.....whats the time????)

So i think now its high time to seriously study hard!!!!

This guys still not come.....i hope i submit today...or else aim planning to get admitted in hospital...

My elder sister came home yesterday....things at home are just like they were a year back...i love these times....she got me a booklet of all the universities in US...gave it to me and said PLAN!!!

where are my reports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YIPPEE!!! one of my classmate came to collect her record as well( I wasn't the last one :)..)and she said he is signing it out today.yeahhhhhhhh...but yet i will still have interesting things to hear from him....

The last incidents with him are unforgettable...

I was goin to college one day and he always takes a bus to coll and so he was at the bus stop...and me was like all hifi with gogs and all taking my bike....and fate....because of the traffic i had to come up and stand next to him.......

He looked i said 'Good Morning'
he smiled and said good morning....
i dunno what was into me i said 'Sir please come i will take you...'
He went 'No problem, you carry on...'
'No sir...its alright please come'
He went' No No...You please carry on...'

I left loling thinking how it would have been if he would have accepted...Actually i felt good that i asked...

He hasnt turned up yet...i will carry on Orkutting....

( To be continued :P .... )

Friday, September 05, 2008

Just the good times!!!!!!!

Phew!!!!!! life has been the most memorable as well as hectic from the past two months.....Finally the big day of my sis wedding is over,it all went off like a good dream, it will take few more days for me to miss her,more than her i will miss my jiju..he specially got me chocolates the day he was leaving,though i put up lots of salt in his drinking water :P....And after a long time i met all my cousins...all of us are grown up now,it was strange i was playing with my neice as well.....there was just a festive mood at home for many days....

I learnt boxing from my big bro..we did what we call 'kutta phiring' the whole of bangalore, i tried to make him learn a new hindi song.My favourite 'Agar main kahon', but he was pathetic on it....he thought he would be able to woo the indian girls back home...cause he said they were, when he sang just the two lines of 'Ai kya bolti tu'...had loads of chocolate fantasy from coffee day...and sugarcane juice from caneola....

My two year old neice is the cutest..she goes 'The silly cow is standing on the road' whenever she sees a cow from the car.....We all went for dinner at an italian restro....tried the many salds whose name i dont even remember...loved the usual pasta and pizzas, had lovely deserts...heres something of what i had :P

loved the coffee jelly....never had it before....

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Actually dont have any!!

I know its been a helluva lot of time i looked up to was may be cause i wasn't connecting myself to my blog,but suddenly i felt this desire to write or pent out few things goin on in my mind since yesterday...

Actually i should be thankful for the fact that there in a computer at my home and i don't have to visit the lame Internet centers daily for my work....but last evening i had to cause i needed some print outs for my project thingy....the net center i went was a recommended one, and so i preferred it as i thought i would not have to close my eyes and go f!c# at the pop ups as soon as i start my comp...

Out of the 20 systems i got there it should have been this one damn slow system getting stuck up at every single moment........i had to say the guy to change me to an other system, and why the heck i don't know i was given this system..... as i entered right in front of me behind a half barrier where a young in love couple holding hands....and i was like winking to myself thinking i would get to hear lots of stuff and lol behind.....and i was kinda busy with my project thingy as well.....i was like chalo young in love,we should understand as we belong to the same youngistan so i ignored their mushy talks.......i dunno if they knew that i could see them a bit or not cause what i saw later.........made me go FUCK....FUCK, FUCK FUCK AND FUCK!!!!!!!!and practically saying i was shit scared as well, this i dunno why, this was the first time i felt some complex feeling of being disgusted, Fuc*ingly angry and scared....I just pushed my keyboard and just went away........Is this what they call being in love.......I just felt like saying these despos to shoo off.And they were good enggenierng students too... i dunno what the girl has said at home,Pls for God sake should have not been said Project report.

There was one thing just goin on in my mind, if that guy ever loved her would he act or behave in that way with his girl in a public was Yuck.I dunno about the various facts like desire,passion which make people less human, u can do what the heck u want but in your four walls of your room.... for god sake not in an Internet cafe, or was this their idea of "cheap" pleasure....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pehla nasha pehla khumar

Par na koi pyar no koi intezaar:P

It has been a long long time i have seen my blog..thanks to a friend of mine who reminded me of it:)

Life's stagnant right now, no excitement, no thrill, nothing, nothing and nothing..

Went to see the movie U me aur hum...even that was slow, with just the fact added that now everytime i forget something iam thinking its the starting stage of alzeimer's....

Exams are turning up again...

Its hot like hell...i run home every afty to wash my face and sit infront of the ac..

I have to and have to start studying..

kehdu main kya apna haal e dile bekaraar tu hin bata ( is that right...)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Need a break!!!!!!!!!!! so

I have really laughed out loud after a long time...I hope i get to try this out in any of my exams....need guts though,...Gawd iam still laughing....check it out.....

Monday, February 04, 2008

An other random night...


The calm wind rushed into my room waking up a numb me, the curtains ruffeled as though to reach me,sleep had just drifted pass by, as i soon found myself up with numb awakeness..

The radium hands of the mickey clock beside showed its just twenty past one,an other day i thought but sleep had now become a distant dream, i closed the open book of sidney sheldon, untangled the wires of my ipod.. which wasnt charged up enough to let me have an other romantic night..

I placed them on my mantel,where smilingly stood a baby me in ornmented frames.

Times change........

I stood up and walked past my bed and opened the door of my balcony which for me kind of leads to sky.Moonlight swept across me leaving a dark shadow of me behind..

The streets looked haunted but still had an aura of warmth as people slept in their homes..
Perhaps dreaming of Money or love.....

But the immense sky spread above me with tiny sparkles, which for me were stars but just large masses of rocks for it..

One.. two... three... i soon lost count...

The velvet dark sky with the bightest moon and million starts were just mysteriously awake as if waiting to unfold a secret untold...

A slight shiver ran through me, as my hands prickled...the wind wasnt just calm after all..I folded my arms as i drew a black pashmina shawl around me, but it would have been much more warmer if it were to be you.....

The night was slowly tuning in to your thoughts,giving me just an other sleepless night, as i stood waiting as if you would turn up any moment now..

Word after word, thought after thought crept in my mind, compelling me to find a way to run out of the emancipated world, holding your hand..

Would we live on the moon then!!

I smiled on my own thought,as the moon looked as if it understood my upmost desire...

My leg cramped as the wind grew ruthlessly rude now.I stepped in my room whose warmth lulled my sleep to come and if at all Lady macbeth came on her tiny charriot to meet me tonight may be we would meet again...Just in an other land...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Start of a year note!!!

An other year, it did start wid an intresting note though,this time we had the most fab getto at blore, and things are pretty much the same as the las year...
There is one intresting thing that i often start doin at the start of the year, which fortunately ends up within nex few days..


This year i have come up wid some agian, and actually few of then are still working!!!!!!!

* Stay in touch wid my friends, thats the least i can do for all those who've had my back,wiped my snot and held my hair while i threw up.
No, ORKUT does not count..

*Not obsess over the small things.Did i get the answer right in the las exam, or will my score add up to an average?? well, i'll find out when i get my marks.There's nothing i can do about it, so

*Not look at a magazine and wish was as goegeous as that, because for all that, we need to be good at photoshop and take few remotely flatering pics.....really!!!

*Make decisions and stick to them...hmmm should i or should i not????
Stick to them i mean...

*Study really well for the exams, understand the concepts,

*Spend time wid family, be good to sis..

*Clean up my cupboard, once in a while, atleast!!

*And this for all us girls there, dont be jellous of boyfriend's ex or his so called best friend, though how had she laughs on his jokes which u always find silly,He is there wid you for a reason...........Gotcha!!!!!!!!!

*Spend some time for myself, and do only what i feel is right,rather than asking friends and family for decisions..

*Eat properly, no skipping breakfast for being present at the first class, though jus 10 mins are left for the class to finish...

*And atlast write things in this blog........