Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Start of a year note!!!

An other year, it did start wid an intresting note though,this time we had the most fab getto at blore, and things are pretty much the same as the las year...
There is one intresting thing that i often start doin at the start of the year, which fortunately ends up within nex few days..


This year i have come up wid some agian, and actually few of then are still working!!!!!!!

* Stay in touch wid my friends, thats the least i can do for all those who've had my back,wiped my snot and held my hair while i threw up.
No, ORKUT does not count..

*Not obsess over the small things.Did i get the answer right in the las exam, or will my score add up to an average?? well, i'll find out when i get my marks.There's nothing i can do about it, so

*Not look at a magazine and wish was as goegeous as that, because for all that, we need to be good at photoshop and take few remotely flatering pics.....really!!!

*Make decisions and stick to them...hmmm should i or should i not????
Stick to them i mean...

*Study really well for the exams, understand the concepts,

*Spend time wid family, be good to sis..

*Clean up my cupboard, once in a while, atleast!!

*And this for all us girls there, dont be jellous of boyfriend's ex or his so called best friend, though how had she laughs on his jokes which u always find silly,He is there wid you for a reason...........Gotcha!!!!!!!!!

*Spend some time for myself, and do only what i feel is right,rather than asking friends and family for decisions..

*Eat properly, no skipping breakfast for being present at the first class, though jus 10 mins are left for the class to finish...

*And atlast write things in this blog........