Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Need a break!!!!!!!!!!! so

I have really laughed out loud after a long time...I hope i get to try this out in any of my exams....need guts though,...Gawd iam still laughing....check it out.....

Monday, February 04, 2008

An other random night...


The calm wind rushed into my room waking up a numb me, the curtains ruffeled as though to reach me,sleep had just drifted pass by, as i soon found myself up with numb awakeness..

The radium hands of the mickey clock beside showed its just twenty past one,an other day i thought but sleep had now become a distant dream, i closed the open book of sidney sheldon, untangled the wires of my ipod.. which wasnt charged up enough to let me have an other romantic night..

I placed them on my mantel,where smilingly stood a baby me in ornmented frames.

Times change........

I stood up and walked past my bed and opened the door of my balcony which for me kind of leads to sky.Moonlight swept across me leaving a dark shadow of me behind..

The streets looked haunted but still had an aura of warmth as people slept in their homes..
Perhaps dreaming of Money or love.....

But the immense sky spread above me with tiny sparkles, which for me were stars but just large masses of rocks for it..

One.. two... three... i soon lost count...

The velvet dark sky with the bightest moon and million starts were just mysteriously awake as if waiting to unfold a secret untold...

A slight shiver ran through me, as my hands prickled...the wind wasnt just calm after all..I folded my arms as i drew a black pashmina shawl around me, but it would have been much more warmer if it were to be you.....

The night was slowly tuning in to your thoughts,giving me just an other sleepless night, as i stood waiting as if you would turn up any moment now..

Word after word, thought after thought crept in my mind, compelling me to find a way to run out of the emancipated world, holding your hand..

Would we live on the moon then!!

I smiled on my own thought,as the moon looked as if it understood my upmost desire...

My leg cramped as the wind grew ruthlessly rude now.I stepped in my room whose warmth lulled my sleep to come and if at all Lady macbeth came on her tiny charriot to meet me tonight may be we would meet again...Just in an other land...