Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Actually dont have any!!

I know its been a helluva lot of time i looked up to was may be cause i wasn't connecting myself to my blog,but suddenly i felt this desire to write or pent out few things goin on in my mind since yesterday...

Actually i should be thankful for the fact that there in a computer at my home and i don't have to visit the lame Internet centers daily for my work....but last evening i had to cause i needed some print outs for my project thingy....the net center i went was a recommended one, and so i preferred it as i thought i would not have to close my eyes and go f!c# at the pop ups as soon as i start my comp...

Out of the 20 systems i got there it should have been this one damn slow system getting stuck up at every single moment........i had to say the guy to change me to an other system, and why the heck i don't know i was given this system..... as i entered right in front of me behind a half barrier where a young in love couple holding hands....and i was like winking to myself thinking i would get to hear lots of stuff and lol behind.....and i was kinda busy with my project thingy as well.....i was like chalo young in love,we should understand as we belong to the same youngistan so i ignored their mushy talks.......i dunno if they knew that i could see them a bit or not cause what i saw later.........made me go FUCK....FUCK, FUCK FUCK AND FUCK!!!!!!!!and practically saying i was shit scared as well, this i dunno why, this was the first time i felt some complex feeling of being disgusted, Fuc*ingly angry and scared....I just pushed my keyboard and just went away........Is this what they call being in love.......I just felt like saying these despos to shoo off.And they were good enggenierng students too... i dunno what the girl has said at home,Pls for God sake should have not been said Project report.

There was one thing just goin on in my mind, if that guy ever loved her would he act or behave in that way with his girl in a public was Yuck.I dunno about the various facts like desire,passion which make people less human, u can do what the heck u want but in your four walls of your room.... for god sake not in an Internet cafe, or was this their idea of "cheap" pleasure....