Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sleepy Eyes

Yes its cause Iam sleepy and its 12 in the night, and home alone. New things i have done, joined Gym.I was so excited on the Day 1, little excited on Day 2, okish on Day 3..Now I drag myself to the gym..At gym we have this lady voice that says 'Change Station' every one min...this Change Station already haunts me.. :| Boring!

I should get new shoes for gym!

And should eat properly..I got two new book to read...which i haven't opened yet.No time.Lets look at my daily schedule.

6:30 - Wake up!
6:45 - Wake up!
7:00 - Wake up!
7:10 - Woke up!
7:12 - Found Brush..My dad pointed out to my mom that I leave the tooth paste on the dining table everyday.
7:20 - Brushing.
7:30 - Drag to the Gym.Then listen to 'Change Station'
8:15 - Sneak out the Gym..There are trainers..who always want me to do cardio too on the stepping board.I hate it. Iam going to do a fainting act soon.
8:30 - Home.Tea.
8:30 - 9:00 - Channel[v] + Zoom

Its Only Katrina Kaif in every song. I am now hating the way she holds every actor around the neck in every song.!! Paahh

9:00 - Decide what to wear.There is nothing interesting though.But I still take my time to decide.Iron.
9:15: Shower.

Warning - Dirty Minds: Dont Read.
I have this 9 'o' Clock Sunlight coming into my Bathroom window and when it falls on the shower water(whatever) the sprinkling water get this purple,pink,yellow colors and you can actually see it..and Touch it.. Its Magical.

Oh yes how could i forget.I got a crazy haircut done.It was awesome the first day..Awesome second day too, cause i didnt shower.Then came the disaster.I think the comments people specially my family gave can be a completely other blog.In short I am waiting for my hair to grow back and I go and trim like normal Human Being's.

Okies..time to nap..
