Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Monday, October 02, 2006


No matter who broke your heart or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it with without your friends…….
‘I don’t agree with her..’
‘Its just not true..’
‘Ofcourse , you’ll get through it.’
‘You can get through anything if you truly try.’
See, that’s what friends do. They soften blows, offer (sometimes unsolicited) advice and hold an umbrella over your head so you don’t get hit by the rubble when your world collapses around you. They might not be able to help, they might not even be able to understand, but somehow they make things better……by just being there. You have your circle of friends. They’re ‘your crowd’. But there are a few among the crowd that you would trust your life with…………whom you can call at three a.m in a crisis and know they will be out the door and on their way to you before you can hang up the phone. Who else will laugh when you are happy, shed tears when you are hurt and tell you you’re an idiot when you need to hear it. Who will judge you and hear the things you are afraid to say..
These people are you treasure. And as treasures go, they are rare. You love the warm feeling of camaraderie when you see a group of buddies having a good time. And you smile to yourself when a bunch of college girls laugh about a prof or a boy in their group. Friends represent that part of our life that we’re not afraid of. They don’t expect you to be a better person like your family does; They are in your life just because they love you just for who you are.
Friends claim to know you better than you know yourself. And you know what? They sometimes do….and I think iam that luckiest bit on earth to have such friends who make my life..the fun I have with them.....they way we run off from the table at cafes so that the last to come had to pay off….giving missed calls to save our own balance…scoff at each other when we meet every other week but still miss eachother..but in all the fun we dont know how the time flies off and and all the moments spent with them become just good memories for ever......

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