Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


In the silence of the night,
Again I try to feel you by my side,
The quite waves, whisper in my ears,
The moon shines, to show up my tears,
I feel your touch, as the breeze drifts by,
But still my heart aches, for you aren’t close by.

How do I forget the things you said,
How could you forgo the promises you made,
How do I live this life without you,
How could you take away my life with you,
You have left me even in my dreams,
Shattered all alone with my screams.

I wake up in the numbness of night,
And when cant find you in sight,
I close my eyes and try to hear,
The words that said you were always near,
Again I cry, for what I can hear,
Are only the burning flames of your funeral pyre.


Anonymous said...

"Again i cry for what i can hear,
Are the burning flames of your funeral pyre"
Thats where the poem truely touches...

Anonymous said... this one from ur own side,
or a copy paste to keep up ur pride,
answer me, so dat i can comment,
lest we later get pained n repent..

...don mind, me was kiddin,
top to bottom, throughout my writin,
but since u said, u never fel in luv,
how wud u know, wat hurts when u luv.

the above lines by me, aren't copied,
i thought n thought n thought n thought,
felt i should be payin u a tribute,
.....n the above is the only thing i got.