Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Friday, April 13, 2007

subeh hogayi mamu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:00 am: Mobile beeps,and i wake up wondering where am i, had a weired dream of missing my tenth standard hall ticket exam and woke up searching for it....switched off the mobile and went back to sleep again.....was just hoping for some good dreams.......

5:30am: Sister wakes up asking,"exam nahin hian kya",and me waking up again with stupid expressions saying"Exam mera hain,whats with you",suddenly EMTL prof came into mind and after that nap was a distant dream....

5:45 am: Land line rings...tring tring and i wonder whose callin so early and run to pick up phone and go Grrrrrrrr!what the was for my little sis who i later came to know was goin for badminton classes in the morning with her friend.......she then hurries up fighting for the toothpaste and the i take an other nap..

6:00 am:EMTL notes is turned and turned and turned as i mug for the next three hours......

9:00 am:Have a quick shower and my breakfast,after all man is a social animal..........

10:30 am: At coll writing the exam while singing "Hey you, hey you I don't like your girlfriend",Crap why did i have to listen to this song for nearly 10 times yesterday....."Whats the Maxwell's equation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"........"hey you, hey you, you can get a better one"...............

12:30 am:Came out from the exam hall............. Sigh!!!!!!!!!What a hard work.......

1:00pm:By the way whats pm????????? at home jumped on the keyboard and saw the scraps and shifted to youtube........Its such a nice creation.......

2:00 pm: had my grub and again on comp typing this irrelevant nonsense...........
This is how life goessssssssssssssssss...........................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe.. nazia ur EMTL sir must look at this blog<;)>