Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Kuch khatti, kuch meethi, Hazmola candy

Does any body here have a wishing wand,or perhaps have Alladin's lamp....Please lend it to me.Its strange to see how many wishes we have when we truly get bored,Wish i could go there..Wish i could do that..Hmm..i think i will pen down some of my wishes...hope someone can help me...
-I want to go para gliding,trekking,zoom through the water surfing..
-I want to sit over a quite beach and see the quite sunset...
-I wish i could do something more intresting and creative than Engg..
-I would like to keep on reading the harry potter series again and again..(Dont know what purani dushmani did my mom have with harry potter)
-I wish i could make a documentary film on the thing going on in my brain...
-Wish i could stop dreading the day i would get my results..(God!!!u need to help me on that)
-Wish i could do something more than orkutting and googling... iam thinking of my other wishes..see i dont even know what i want to do..Grrrr!!!Is somebody reading this crap,then they must have been bored as well.
Fine i will get back to orkutting...Some other bored to death creature must have scraped in my scrapbook...see ya..
P.S. Sorry for the weried title...kuch aur mila nahin..hehe..

Saturday, November 25, 2006


In the silence of the night,
Again I try to feel you by my side,
The quite waves, whisper in my ears,
The moon shines, to show up my tears,
I feel your touch, as the breeze drifts by,
But still my heart aches, for you aren’t close by.

How do I forget the things you said,
How could you forgo the promises you made,
How do I live this life without you,
How could you take away my life with you,
You have left me even in my dreams,
Shattered all alone with my screams.

I wake up in the numbness of night,
And when cant find you in sight,
I close my eyes and try to hear,
The words that said you were always near,
Again I cry, for what I can hear,
Are only the burning flames of your funeral pyre.

Friday, November 10, 2006


It has been a long time since blogged..may be there weren't any' pata hai kya hua' moments..wish life would go on always as it is going on..khao,piyo aur sou...As usual woke up with the morning cuppa of coffee and took the news paper to see some kinda'End of Bush era'in the headlines but what i saw was a pic of a lady with her baby...if any one of here has the habbit of adding extra bit of tension to their lives by reading newspapers would know that there is some closing of illegal shops in delhi..what had happened was the officers of the DMC had sealed the shop with this lady and her baby inside..(hehe!!It happens only in India!!)..and then i turnrd around to see what i was waiting for, there had been many coloumns stating the end of Bush era and labelling him as a lame duck president...Its starange to see how the US elections effect the whole world..india mein elections hote hain, hame hin pata nahin chalta..and poor Mr.Bush he would have got kicked off anyway even though if he wouldn't have raged the war..people would have voted him out saying he didn't do anything against the 9/11 attack..his wars though did prove that US is a powerfull nation...but its nice to see the clintons back..and then i turned the paper to the sports section..iam least bothered about it..but this pic with headline'ponting has to apologise' and some suppoters led by donkeys which had some banners stating 'kangaroos' caught my eye...i was just thinking why donkeys, and was about to write something like 'donkey ki atmakahani' narrating how donkeys must have felt when compared to kangaroos.......
Then there was this section of film buzz and page3ites...saw a pic of salman on the the ramp..he was campaining for some AIDS awareness and said'Be safe,get tested,Its in fashion' so chalo the trend of fashion has changed from clothes that can hardly be worn by people to geting tested for AIDS..we live in such a 'Plastic world'..then turned around to see some coloumn by same psychologist who probably needed one...he was helping teens on how to handle was really funny to read how people live in false relationships...there was some girl who took her boyfriend to the place where she first met him to breakup..and said 'He was so was a tough break',probably in the days to come we may get cards and memoirs saying'The day you entered my life,its changed completely..i think of no one else than you..I Hate you so much'...Have to give that idea to archies...
Then i put the paper aside sniggering on what was going on in the world..and came back to my life which had no elections and was as boring as the life of those donkeys..I had to go to my old school to get my sis..(we are taken so much for granted...koi poochta hin nahin free ho ya nahin!) and the school assembly tune was playing on..It brought back all the memories of school life...this tune always brings some sort of tension in me as we used to write exams after the assembly...times have changed so much i used to pray'Hope i remember everything' before exams and now i say 'I dont know anything' before exams....that tells me i have to get back to mugging..i have got my exam hallticket and i look so good in the photo on it... hehe....see ya

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Beware:'Writing in a state of Nostalgia'

There are times when you find yourself so lazy that feel like a cardboard and would like to sleep like a log for hours….but still you have to drag your self up the bed and move on…..and in my case its almost like that during the exams….It all starts off with my cell buzzing up sharp at four in the morning…and thank god for the snooze option ,I think its put up in the cell for me…I tell you its so ehhh!!! to see your sister sleeping cozy on the bed and you had to go and open your texts…I sometimes try to pull of her blanket or switch off the fan,I surely have got my own idiotic ways to sulk…and then I go off searching for my brush in sleep..what if I take some other one..i would have a paranoid the whole day….and then it suddenly dawns on me that I have my exam in four hours and I haven’t still opened my book……if you are one among my friends who stare at me as if I were an alien when I say I woke up at four to study..try not to even think of the exam the before day and wake up in a state of not knowing even the A of the subject...I tell you, you will surely wake up………and then I try to mug and cramp up all the things with in that limited time……so thats what kept me busy these days...and these were just the mids the final sems will be from next month…its like we have been just through the trailers……but still as the festive season is on life is good…….
Still there are shadows over my otherwise exuberant joy, one shadow is my dread that the lab exam fianls are due next week and that the semester is fornight away and I so don’t know anything..God I hope I do well……..but all this is still not keeping me away from my messenger and jukebox...the song 'kya mujhe pyar hai' from wohlamhe so rocks…and ‘tere bin’ is what keeps playing these days…….i can surely see a ray of hope over this dark horizon after I finish my exams...Gawd who made these exams…….wish I were the education minister..i would have made it a lot so intresting and enjoyable...aleast there wouldn't have been this illiteracy rate..hehe..see ya and wish me luck....

Monday, October 02, 2006


No matter who broke your heart or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it with without your friends…….
‘I don’t agree with her..’
‘Its just not true..’
‘Ofcourse , you’ll get through it.’
‘You can get through anything if you truly try.’
See, that’s what friends do. They soften blows, offer (sometimes unsolicited) advice and hold an umbrella over your head so you don’t get hit by the rubble when your world collapses around you. They might not be able to help, they might not even be able to understand, but somehow they make things better……by just being there. You have your circle of friends. They’re ‘your crowd’. But there are a few among the crowd that you would trust your life with…………whom you can call at three a.m in a crisis and know they will be out the door and on their way to you before you can hang up the phone. Who else will laugh when you are happy, shed tears when you are hurt and tell you you’re an idiot when you need to hear it. Who will judge you and hear the things you are afraid to say..
These people are you treasure. And as treasures go, they are rare. You love the warm feeling of camaraderie when you see a group of buddies having a good time. And you smile to yourself when a bunch of college girls laugh about a prof or a boy in their group. Friends represent that part of our life that we’re not afraid of. They don’t expect you to be a better person like your family does; They are in your life just because they love you just for who you are.
Friends claim to know you better than you know yourself. And you know what? They sometimes do….and I think iam that luckiest bit on earth to have such friends who make my life..the fun I have with them.....they way we run off from the table at cafes so that the last to come had to pay off….giving missed calls to save our own balance…scoff at each other when we meet every other week but still miss eachother..but in all the fun we dont know how the time flies off and and all the moments spent with them become just good memories for ever......

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wheres my little angel!!!

Why cant I ever finish my work on time,specially if it has got to do something with coll work like my records and stuff,I don’t know which angel got into me yestreday I decided to open my books for a change,and i sat deciding which subject to start with,aaaaahhhhh…that was really a tough job for me..i suddenly looked around the mess in my room and my cupboard…..then I got up to clean my room,may be it was somehing to do with clean room gives me a good atmosphere to study,or something to do with not doing the record shelf had nothing but papers and don’t know when I had writen all that stuff,and there were all these useless pens and refills and in the corner was my 10th standard english textbook..and my sisters stuff,I just dumped them in her cupboard..and I did all arbit stuff till my mum screamed that theres Sunday to do all that…and the angel in me made me sit and open my bag,beore I could start seeing what stuff was filled up in my bag I just picked up the book which came into my hand..…gawd it was SS(signals and systems),i thought I would refer to what the prof was teaching in the class(who knows what crap it was,,I was dreaming any way),the topic was something called as the convolution integral,do you want to know what it was,its easy look…..
In linear systems the explicit relationship between the driving function and the response can be expressed by the convolution integral,the corelation functions which occur in signal dedection theory and in the study of random signals are also really a form of convolution..if any one of you got any bit of that pleease mail me..and the last thing that could happen to tamper my spirit,my cell phone vibrated…I picked and he asked what I was doing,I proudly said that I was studying, what I tell you was wrong with ‘nothing iam just studying’,he was asking me why there was this sudden change in me….and i went blah blah of what I did that day and he hung up….and my other friend called and I said I was trying to study….and I finally had to close the book as there was so much gossip to take in…. I didn’t even submit my records today…the angel in me did wake up today and I did start but I had this urge to write something in my blog so here iam…hope this angel stays and I complete my records atleast by next week……

Saturday, September 23, 2006

'Mera pehla blog' violins in the background please...(just being filmy)

Hey..this is my first ever blog,don’t know what to start up with,I think I will just give a little intro about myself and my blog here,Dil se..will always be my blog,(actually A.R.Rehmans Dil se was playing on the winamp and I sooo love the song),there’s not much about me,iam an eighteen year old girl,always messed up with her own things,don’t worry you will not have to read an other eighteen year old girl’s problems with her boyfriend because I really don’t have one,may sound weired though,eighteen and no boyfriend…but time kiske paas hai,where all my routine has got to do with is going to college and and taking in terms like……(eh!!!… Iam just thinking what terms did I learn at coll..) what ever crap it has got to do with capacitors and resistors and periodic signals into my grey matter..and coming back home and completing records and assignments,you must have guessed by now,iam doing my engineering in elctronics and comm..and for all those who are doing great things like arts and literature,try engineering,’marks se nomarks,ab sach mein possible’….But life is going on pretty well,I have got great friends and a great family and since I have got my new bike just a few days back,and not to mention my own cell phone, life is actually rocking..n e ways nothing much more about playing on the winamp is ‘saathiya..’,I saw this movie last night and I really liked it,though I have seen it many times before…I really like the scene on the beach where vivek tells rani when she is leaving….’Hey doctor,I love you’.. that’s it for now,I think next time I write my blog I will write on something readable,see ya…