Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Know about me....(Scroll on the icons!!)


Anonymous said...

it said that u aren't good at keeping secrets!
something that i felt is totally right about u, but a mistake made here....allowing u to know this!

Anonymous said...

@ an amateur blogger:Now whats the final statement..iam i good at keeping secrets or not.....;)

Anonymous said...

an amateur blogger here,
a dil se blogger there,
my blog speaks about my immaturity,
hers about her dil!

crazy content is in mine,
seriousness alone in hers,
my age being so,
vo tho jaise budiya ho!

lots of kiddo stuff in me still,
silence n hatred only in her dil,
wow! what a poet did i become now,
ab usko bolo 'sudhar jaao'!

Anonymous said...

the above was a time-pass work for me.
what i meant in my first comment was that its too easy to get things flowing out of u.
keep track of it!

Anonymous said...

yo yo...i do accept that this dil se blogger is indeed the best!
but plz post.
catch u on yahoo tomo!