Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Why do I even call my self creative enough! I cant think of a single nice title for my blog..few of the headings that came up to my mind for this title

- Blink * Blink

-Staring at the wall

- Whats going on!

I think third was much better, never past the last blog, yes I lived alone, yes I cooked, yes I saved..

Ahh now living alone was not all bliss, I missed my people..missed people telling me to eat, and now I agree its hard to live alone, at the end of the day you want someone to wait for you, when you come back home.

But..:) I :) went out at 1 in the night.Actually sneaked out of my own house, though i was alone.Of All the people, I was scared of the watchman sleeping downstairs, so had to sneak out like a chor.He is already paranoid with..what is this girl upto, thanks to that someone..

To cover it all up, i try and give him a big smile whenever i return from office.Pehle he used to.. now he looks at me and turns away. I only hope he is not going to complain when my Dad comes back..

Lotss to come...


Avinash Matta said...

well i liked the title - Staring at the wall............and icing on the cake wud be if the wall had a lizard on it staring back at me.......

Anonymous said...

Bore bore bore it is ... :P .. how old are u Nazia ? You've hardly done anything in your life i suppose . . . . Sorry to say .. But on the other hand, the excitement you get from it is something that i might not get doin the same thing. And at the end of the day, only excitement matters ... ;) Keep it goin .. its like a story .. i wanna know wat more is happening with you now .. You have a nice way of writing things .. ;)

Nazia.......... said...

@ Avi - EEkss not Lizard!! Paaah..You know Pah his now my Fav Ghatiya tha...hehe :P

@ Anonymous -

:) First of all, whose this? Iam 22 :) and yes...have hardly done anything in Life...Lots usual things Happening..Will put up more soon.

Cheers Cheers Cheers !!