Never lie, steal, cheat or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of one you love; if you must steal, steal away from bad company; if you must cheat, cheat death; and if you must drink, drink in the moment that takes your breathe away.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Very Random

Iam changing into a workaholic..yes I so am! Dunno for what reason..though i crib about work, i feel like finishing it off what ever i start. I am actually pushing myself to work to get it done..
!!!First Signs!!!

This is when i need a nice break! Now let me not get to my fantasy places..i would prefer to lie all day in my bed with my quilt and listen to rain outside my window! Thats exactly what i want RIGHT NOW!

Looking forward to going to US.I hope all goes fine and i get to live the 2 years of independent life that i always thought of.Plan 2 - Find a good looking guy there and elope.

I think i ll tell my parents and elope!

No Bad idea! Just Elope..

And i have to save! I spend money like its not mine! Not helping! Save Save..But though i promise my self this is the last time i go in Rick and not in bus to office, every single day i rush to to find a Rick.Funny twice i found auto guys waiting outside my gate for me. :P

And my family is on the verge of deciding to leave me alone alone alone..On My Own In Bangalore..And i still cant believe that.Not that i get to have fun funn..but still it is so a big deal for them.Lets see what iam i upto..

Its not raining in is so not..not even drizzling.

I think i should learn to cook :| real cooking..It helps.

Time to sleep. 11:55


Avinash Matta said...

y do u wanna go to US?? ppl who have gone there r repenting for having gone there...........

Nazia.......... said...

@ Avinash: :) Two years of funn!! :)

Agnostic Vagabond said...

wow somebody has humble plans. But telling your parents and eloping?
hehe u seriously need them to say

"run forest run" ???

The Gypsy said...

Nice thoughts!

I'm sure u'll have fun in US.
So why this obsession abt eloping? :)